This is the Schneider-Farris Family's Blog. Keep up with what we are doing by logging into this site regularly! (The reason this site is called "Tragedy and Triumph" is that when I first founded this site, my husband, Dan, had been in a horrible accident, and he recovered. His recovery was a miracle! Go back to the 2005 archives to read our story.)

Friday, March 24, 2006

Dan's brother Mike left tonight

It is exactly 6 months and 1 week since Dan's horrible accident.

(Dan has made so much progress and was even able to ride on the back of our tandem bike with Mike just a couple of weeks ago!)

The night of the accident, Dan's parents and Dan's brother Mike, flew out to Colorado Springs and saw Dan in the hospital ICU at 3 AM.

Mike stayed. Mike stayed to help. Mike stayed at Dan's side. Mike loved us. Mike loved Dan. Mike linked the rest of Dan's family to what was happening with Dan.

Mike has lived with our family and helped our family and been on Dan's side for over six months.

Today we said good-bye to Mike and today, Dan walked more than ever! Today, our family became five again. Today, we remember that our life changed 6 months ago.

Thank you, dear Uncle Mike, for loving us, being there for us, being at Dan's side at the hospital and at home for so long. We begin a life without you tonight, but we will never ever forget how you sacrificed so much of yourself for Dan!

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Jo Ann Schneider Farris has participated in skating for most of her life as a competitor, coach, and author.
