Of my three children, Rebekah's birth was probably the easiest. I got to pick her birthday since I she was a planned C-Section baby. I picked April 16 since it was the day after tax day.
I remember arriving at the hospital at about 6:00 AM. The whole thing seemed like a trip to the airport! Rebekah came on schedule; there were no delays. Everything went according to plan and Rebekah neatly arrived at 8:50 AM!
Rebekah was also a very easy baby. She was the only baby that would drink formula in addition to breast milk. She has always been easy going and sweet since the day she was born. She loved everyone and everyone loved her. She did what she was told and rarely caused anyone trouble.
As she grew older, she tried hard to be good at everything she tried. She is so creative and is especially is passionate about the outdoors, music, the piano, singing, reading, animals, and skiing!
Happy Birthday to my sweet, sweet daughter!
Below are some of my favorite photos of Rebekah. She's grown up!
Rebekah has not been online much lately due to a bad experience she had this past year with a certain organization in Colorado Springs, but is doing fine now....
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