I wrote this to a Yahoo Group of artistic inline skaters.
I just had to share it with those who log in to check on updates on Dan.
Enjoy! I did take a photo of this wonderful memory and will ad it to this entry when I get the film developed.
'Today was a beautiful day in Colorado and I took my children
outside to play and my 6 year old put on her Pic Skates and began
pushing her doll which was in a stroller. She dashed down the
sidewalk and inspired me with an idea!
I asked my brother-in-law (who is 61 years old!) if he wanted to try
putting on my husband's inline skates and try pushing my husband down
the street in his wheelchair.
Well, imagine this: my brother-in-law (he's been helping up take care
of my husband since the accident) has never inline skated and only
ice skated a few times in his life and he had a blast pushing that
wheelchair and skating!
I HAD to try it and it was SO FUN to push my husband down the
street! My husband even got some speed going! I was wearing my
Entry Level Artistic Figure Skates from China and it seemed as we
were going down small hills that I was taking a ride!
I even did spirals and jumps and brackets as we "strolled"
and "rolled" down the street while hanging on to his wheelchair!
Anyway, this is a very happy "skating memory" that I had to share in
the midst of much stress.
Happy Holidays!'