To the friend who logs checks for updates here every once in awhile:
Our "Novel or Movie" is coming to a conclusion it seems. Music should be playing in the background and there should be a scene where there are lots of hugs and smiles.
Yes, that is happening.....each day our family does cherish the fact that Daddy is alive.
However, things are not "the same."
The children have done well. They are back doing many of the activities that they did before the accident and they are back skating everyday. They are slightly behind on their homeschool goals, but will catch up.

Jo Ann's small private lesson skating clientele is gone though. To build it up again is quite difficult and Jo Ann is seeking other ways to bring some income into our home. She does hope to give a few lessons again too. Yes, we do have financial worries at this time, but hope that somehow something will turn up so Jo Ann can bring some much needed extra income into our household.
The problem is that Jo Ann can't take on much more. The children and Dan take up so much of her energy, and she has put all her efforts into the care and well-being of Dan and the children. She has trouble sleeping at night because so much is on her mind these days. Yes, Jo Ann is overwhelmed.
Jo Ann has taken on more and more responsibilities, but the children have begun to help out around the house much more than before. We have all realized that Dan's main goal is to continue to get well, so we all try to help him do that daily.

We've gone swimming, roller skating, skiing, and out to eat as a family again. Although Dan can't roller skate or ski, he can accompany us to these activities. How neat is that?

Dan takes Joel to hockey games and practice again and drives Joel to Boy Scouts. Dan is working full-time from a wheelchair and is driving! Wow! We do rejoice that Daddy is with us and "so well" and wonder now what the rest of 2006 will bring.
Will we ever find out what really happened? Probably not -- Dan doesn't remember....but....does that matter....no...our life together now, for 2006 and beyond is what needs to be focused on.
If you pray, please continue to keep the Farris Family in your prayers. Pray that Jo Ann can continue to be strong. Pray for our financial needs. Pray that our children live their lives without remembering much of the negative things that happened to their family in 2005. Pray that our children continue to grow and learn as we continue to homeschool. Pray that Dan completely recovers and walks really well again.
Things will never be the same again; we know that.
Hugs to all who read this.

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