For those of you that wonder why you may have not heard from the Schneider-Farris family much during 2005 or 2006, it's because of Dan's accident on September 15, 2005. Whenever I read about families and individuals that have experienced sadness and tragedy, I now relate. I am grateful for each day and continue to wonder what the future might bring.

2006 was a year of recovery for our little family. At first we wondered if Dan would walk or work again. After surgery in January, he returned to work in February, first part-time in a wheelchair, then full-time with a walker, and finally just walking in his own right. He now seems to walk everywhere and do many things (like mowing lawns, shoveling snow, and riding bikes), so in a way, that time of wondering seems like a dream.

Once Dan returned to work, the children and I became very absorbed in figure skating once again. The rink we "grew up at," Chapel Hills Mall Ice Rink, closed in early June. We transferred most of our skating to the Colorado Springs World Arena in the Spring so we'd be prepared for Chapel Hills' closing. Now, the Broadmoor Skating Club and the World Arena really do feel like "home." I continue to teach the children, but they also work with some very famous coaches at the rink which include Ryan Jahnke, Tiffany Hyden-Dombeck, and Janet Champion.

My private lesson skating clientele was pretty much gone because I stopped teaching completely during the time of crisis that followed Dan's accident. I began teaching a bit a again in the Spring, but never have really built up enough students. I continue to enjoy teaching my own children, but haven't had the energy needed for others. So...I began looking for alternative things I could do to bring in some finances to our household.
My "big break" came in June when I landed the position as Figure Skating Guide with About.com, part of The New York Times Company! I didn't know it at the time, but I competed with many other figure skaters, ice skating fans, and writers for the position. I'm honored and thrilled to have the job with About and hope to write professionally about figure skating for many, many years. Getting paid to write about figure skating is a dream come true for me!

Read Jo Ann's Bio at Figure Skating at About.com
Dan and I celebrated our 27th anniversary in April. We both see time passing so, so quickly. All of our parents are doing okay, but my mother is not well as 2007 begins and either is Dan's dad. My best friend, Marion, lost her father this year.
There are more things to share, but I'll stop now.
May everyone who reads this have a great 2007!
JO ANN, Dan, Joel, Rebekah, and Annabelle Schneider-Farris

1 comment:
Dear Jo Ann,
Happy New Year! It was just last night that I determined I would email you or something. I never used one of these blog things. It was good to hear from you this morning, thank you. It's so amazing to see you with the kids. What an awesome thing. It reminds me of my days of compitition in high school. I used to feel so good AFTERWARD. (No, I enjoyed it all. I probably made a big deal about with you guys back then.) But I can't imagine being in that kind of thing now. I get worn out just knowing I'm going to be watching the guys here.
I'm the staff "on duty" today. That just means I have to hang around and be here for the guys in our program. It's a "free day" for them. They get to watch movies and football games and hang out here on the Ranch without the usual classes and work call. We've go a group watching "Indiana Jones" right now, and a couple playing "Risk," some are in our music building practicing. (We have quite the band, actually) We have a nice library, two pool tables, 4 dogs and 6 cats. One of the cats, named "Mouser" is in the office with me right now. His front paws have 6 toes, and he's quite the exotic looking one! He finds the greatest places to lay down and crash. Right now he's, in Marg's chair. I have my cat "Oreo" (named by Kaitlyn, my daughter) here with me living at the Ranch. He wiil actually go on walks with me most every evening. He follows me just like a dog, it's cute.
I love working here. It's a humble position. I just work from 8-5 here in the office with some of the best people in the world.
There's Margo. She's one of those people who've always had their family in good working condition all her life and has never really known too much trouble herself. And yet she comes here with as much understanding and mercy as anyone I have ever known. She understands us addicts more than most of us do!
Then there's John, He's our Administrator. He had a brush with drugs in high school like most of us, but he quickly got out too. He's been a minister for most of his life and has now decided (as of 18 years now) that his gifts are more appropriate in the office. He too, is one of the most compassionate people I have ever met. But he still can't help but to be to be a stickler for details. I've learned to loosen up over the years, so we make a good pair.
I also get to work with the Director, Dennis. He's one of those guys like me who got wrapped up into the "existential" lifestyle of the sixties. Only he was a teen ager then and was a REAL hippie. He even did the Zen thing and went up to mountain tops to use hallucinogenics and meditate. But he ended up killing his brother and went to prison. Now he has been a Christian for 27 years, clean, and has been saving souls. I am so glad to be working for him. He goes too far on the "grace" scale. He let's guys off the hook all the time. He makes it his business to show kindness to people who don't deserve it. You can imagine the strain I'm under! (Ha-ha)
I'm going to look into getting a "blog." I have some things I have been writing, and I'm told this is the way to go. I can't really tell you all that's going on with me with out the pictures and such as you have here. Maybe this year! I will pray for you all as I can remember. I hope this will be one of the best years of your lives. Tell Dan, I said "Hi" or please show him this entry. Hi Dan!
I love you guys with a special place in my heart. I wish we could go back to the Atherton House like we were and I could give you both a hug like we were, yet with all the experiences we have had through all these ye
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