This is the Schneider-Farris Family's Blog. Keep up with what we are doing by logging into this site regularly! (The reason this site is called "Tragedy and Triumph" is that when I first founded this site, my husband, Dan, had been in a horrible accident, and he recovered. His recovery was a miracle! Go back to the 2005 archives to read our story.)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Something I Thought Was Good Went Bad

Years ago, my heart ached for a young woman who told me that she was struggling to leave a certain religious group.

What the young person told me bothered me so much, that I felt that there was a need for the people that left that religious group to meet together online.

Innocently, I created a Yahoo-type group that was meant for those who no longer worked for that particular religious organization.

I didn't know it at the time, but my innocent attempt to help was interpreted wrong. I had not meant to hurt anyone or do anything sinister. I really believed I had done a good thing.

I was told that creating such a Yahoo-type group had to be approved by the organization. I had no authority to do so. I was asked to take the Yahoo-type group down.

By the time I was told to take the group down, I discovered how fun it was to reunion with some of the people who had joined online. We were all enjoying talking to one another.

What I had done was a good thing, but somehow it had been interpreted as a bad thing.

Similarly, I tried to do something good this week, but found out today, that the good thing I thought I did bothered some people. I've been very sad all day about this, but am trying to move forward.

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Jo Ann Schneider Farris has participated in skating for most of her life as a competitor, coach, and author.
