This is the Schneider-Farris Family's Blog. Keep up with what we are doing by logging into this site regularly! (The reason this site is called "Tragedy and Triumph" is that when I first founded this site, my husband, Dan, had been in a horrible accident, and he recovered. His recovery was a miracle! Go back to the 2005 archives to read our story.)
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Iceland Paramount Visit 3-28-09
My dad skated at Paramount when he was a kid. He took a bus there on his own on Saturdays. He proposed to my mother in Iceland's coffee shop in the late 1940s. I skated and trained at Iceland in the 1970s. I taught skating at Iceland in the 1980s. It's more than 20 years since I was Iceland's Skating Director. Today, on March 28, 2009, I took my chilldren to a freestyle at Iceland!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Our Evening in a Private Suite at the World Figure Skating Championships
Wednesday night was no ordinary night for the Schneider-Farris family. Of course, going to Worlds was unusual in itself, but little did we expect the treat that was in store for us as we left the parking lot near Staples Center for the arena.
This is what happened:
An executive from Mattel Toys in Los Angeles approached a friend of mine as we entered the arena. Apparently, the people he'd invited from Mattel to share his company's private suite during the Pairs Freeskate had not shown up. "Would they like to come to his gathering in their place?"
My friends accepted. They soon found out that they could invite my entire family too!
So off we went through the VIP area in Staples Center. We not only watched the pairs in luxury, but we were welcomed to a room with a private video screen, a comfortable lounge, food (gourmet sandwiches, salads, hors d'oeuvres, pop corn, chips and salsa, dips, hot dogs, chicken, sodas, bottled name it!), and a deluxe view of the arena. (The suite even had a refrigerator, sink, and cupboards! The children commented the only thing missing was a restroom!)
Our host from Mattel explained that this was Mattel's private suite and that he was not a skater. Of couse, he liked figure skating, but admitted he knew little about it. He treated us as if we were authorities on the sport. He said things like, "That looked pretty good to me." and "What is the highest score you can get?"
Anyway...we watched Caydee Denney and Jeremy Barrett of the United States skate an incredible program. We cheered for Keauna and Rockne, but we were sad that they didn't skate their best. We watched the incredible Chinese pairs, and saw the Russian girl fall on her face after she fell on the quad throw. We saw the Germans win.
Our host left the suite before the awards, and so privately, with our friends, we watched the awards ceremony. We saw Tai Babilonia and Randy Gardner, JoJo Starbuck and Ken Shelley, and Jenni Meno and Todd Sand give out the awards to the pairs medalists. We saw the flags raise and we then saw the skaters take their victory lap.
As the arena emptied out, we sat on the suite's couch for a moment and laughed together about our wonderful evening! It was hard to leave! We will never forget going to Worlds, but also, we will never forget the night we watched the best pair skaters in the world from the "lap of luxury!"
Just one more additional note:
My dear friend, Larisa Gendernalik was also with us. She also enjoyed seeing the event from the private suite. As we exited the arena, Larisa saw Russian coaching legend, Tamara Moskvina. Larisa is Russian and knows Tamara well. The two reunited and I took a photo.
What a night it was!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
The Schneider-Farris Kids Are Pairs and Ice Dance Skaters!

Way back in "my day" there was a family with 2 girls and one boy. The boy did pairs with one sister and ice dance with the other.
Right now, that's the way things are in our family.
Rebekah and Joel are an ice dance team. That has not changed.
Annabelle skates pairs with her brother Joel.
Rebekah does pairs, but is not doing pairs with Joel and is hoping to someday find a perfect pair partner. When that happens, she'll skate dance with Joel and skate pairs with "Mr. Right Pair Skater." (The boys will have to share "the girl.")
Annabelle is doing pairs with Joel, but may skate pairs with someone else someday...
Also, Annabelle is not doing ice dancing, since she likes pairs much better.
Once in awhile, she and our close friend Sam Anderson do dance or pairs together. Sam and Annabelle have been buddies for years! Once in awhile, they perform together!
Does this make sense? It does to us!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Is Facebook Stupid - Or What? Their Copyright Police Have Done IT Again!
Facebook seems to have some very stupid people working for them.
Yesteday, they have disabled my ability to upload videos because they decided a video taken with a home video camera in 1983 was a copyright violation.
Today, they've decided that this video below is also in violation:
This is really stupid. Anyone with "brains" can see this is a video (of very poor quality) filmed on a home video camera. I'm skating in the video, by the way...
It was the first adult ice skating number I ever choreographed for a learn to skate program.
If videos of adults doing swizzles and waltz jump attempts violates copyright laws, what is the world coming to?
How stupid can Facebook be?
Yesteday, they have disabled my ability to upload videos because they decided a video taken with a home video camera in 1983 was a copyright violation.
Today, they've decided that this video below is also in violation:
This is really stupid. Anyone with "brains" can see this is a video (of very poor quality) filmed on a home video camera. I'm skating in the video, by the way...
It was the first adult ice skating number I ever choreographed for a learn to skate program.
If videos of adults doing swizzles and waltz jump attempts violates copyright laws, what is the world coming to?
How stupid can Facebook be?
Monday, March 16, 2009
Facebook Says This Is an Alleged Copyright Infringement - Now I'm Really MAD
Those who know Jo Ann Schneider Farris should know that getting me MAD is NOT a good idea. Facebook has disabled my rights to upload videos because of this video below.
It was taken with an old home video camera over 25 years ago. This is my video. I own the rights to it. How stupid is Facebook?
By the way, the coaches in skating in this include Jennifer Pannazzo, Clarissa Perella, Billie Jo Passerella, Scootie Paulsen, and Jo Ann Schneider. We were forced to skate this since we were on salary with Ice Capades Chalet at the time, but I admit it brings back fond memories and was really fun!
It was taken with an old home video camera over 25 years ago. This is my video. I own the rights to it. How stupid is Facebook?
By the way, the coaches in skating in this include Jennifer Pannazzo, Clarissa Perella, Billie Jo Passerella, Scootie Paulsen, and Jo Ann Schneider. We were forced to skate this since we were on salary with Ice Capades Chalet at the time, but I admit it brings back fond memories and was really fun!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
Why I Am MAD at Facebook - And...Why I'm Quitting Facebook
I joined Facebook about a month ago. I found it delightful to connect with so many friends. It was fun and made me happy.
I also thought it would be nice to take some very old personal videos that were over 25 years old and share them with those friends.
Today, I got 2 notices from Facebook that these videos were alleged copyright violations. When I tried to fill out Facebook's counter-notification form, I wasted over an hour since their form (where I'm supposed to say I did not do anything wrong) does not work.
So, good-bye Facebook. I don't have time to waste on a service that makes me MAD and not happy.
I will take my photos, videos, and happy thoughts to or IceNetwork's InCrowd. There, I won't be told that an old homemade video that I filmed over 25 years ago is not mine.
I also thought it would be nice to take some very old personal videos that were over 25 years old and share them with those friends.
Today, I got 2 notices from Facebook that these videos were alleged copyright violations. When I tried to fill out Facebook's counter-notification form, I wasted over an hour since their form (where I'm supposed to say I did not do anything wrong) does not work.
So, good-bye Facebook. I don't have time to waste on a service that makes me MAD and not happy.
I will take my photos, videos, and happy thoughts to or IceNetwork's InCrowd. There, I won't be told that an old homemade video that I filmed over 25 years ago is not mine.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Monday, March 09, 2009
Sunday, March 08, 2009
IceLight Rehearsal 1987
The rink was foggy, but you can still see what we were doing. Featured in this video is Jo Ann Schneider Farris, Jill Harbin Leonard, Marion Ennis Curtis, and Julie Harton. Julie had a dream that IceLight shows would become a big thing. She still makes IceLight Boot Gloves!
Hannah Johnson's Memories of Marty Martino

It is below:
'I would like to share a few words about Marty, whom I loved very dearly.
But how do I start?
How do I begin a farewell when I still can't believe Marty is gone?
How do I say goodbye to such a big influence in my young life?
Words can never express what I am feeling right now. Because, losing Marty is one of the most difficult things I have ever had to go through. I feel cheated he was taken from me so suddenly. Why did he have to go?
Putting those feelings aside for the moment today is my chance to say thank you to Marty for the way he brightened my life. Some of you may not have known Marty the way that I did, for he touched each of us in different ways.
For me, Marty was my coach, my friend and a father figure. I loved him with all my heart.
As a coach, Marty made me feel like I was the most beautiful little girl in the world. He always gave me a great big smile and a bear hug at the end of my lessons. Marty loved to give me "pet" names, the most endearing of which was "zippy". I will remember him laughing at the silly things I did during lessons, how he would tell me to do one jump and I would do something completely different without thinking. He would just look at me with a big grin and make a comment about being “blonde” or playfully hitting me on the head with his glove. He made learning to skate a fun experience.
Marty was especially fond of making me skating dresses. My favorite dress is the one he made for me as a Christmas present. Marty would never tell me what the dresses would look like or the color. He would just show up with a dress and watch with joy as I tried it on and it fit perfectly. During the last month, he was so excited to let me know that he was making me some new dresses, competition and practice. He talked about how great they would look on me and that he couldn’t wait to deliver them on Tuesday. Unfortunately, Marty left us on a Sunday and I never got to see his pride when I tried on the dresses. I am thankful to Maria for allowing us to have the dresses that Marty made for me. I will cherish them forever.
As a friend and a father figure, Marty was a man that was kind and generous. He loved me with such joy and pride that it lit up his face every time we were together. There was never a time that I could not talk to him or that he would not offer advice (asked for or not). He took an active interest in everything I did on the ice and off. He encouraged me to try new things and to excel at them all. I recently showed him my report card, which had all A+’s. He was so proud of the fact that I had achieved such good grades that he lifted me off the ground in a huge hug.
Marty also encouraged me to practice piano. He said that every little girl should know how to play a musical instrument. Practice is sometimes boring, but Marty was not fond of using “presents” as a way to get me to practice. He felt that bribery was not the best method to get me to understand the benefits of practice, practice, practice.
Marty came into my life and changed me forever. I will never have to wonder what Marty really thought of me. He showed me every day that he was proud of me and who I was growing up to be.
I am so thankful that I was at Marty’s bedside and was able to give him one last smile and a great big hug! I know that he will be watching me from heaven. Therefore, I will strive for the rest of my life to honor Marty's memory by being the best I can be at everything I try to do.
Marty will be greatly missed and always remembered by my mom and me. I want to remind Marty that God loves him and I love him!!!
But how do I start?
How do I begin a farewell when I still can't believe Marty is gone?
How do I say goodbye to such a big influence in my young life?
Words can never express what I am feeling right now. Because, losing Marty is one of the most difficult things I have ever had to go through. I feel cheated he was taken from me so suddenly. Why did he have to go?
Putting those feelings aside for the moment today is my chance to say thank you to Marty for the way he brightened my life. Some of you may not have known Marty the way that I did, for he touched each of us in different ways.
For me, Marty was my coach, my friend and a father figure. I loved him with all my heart.
As a coach, Marty made me feel like I was the most beautiful little girl in the world. He always gave me a great big smile and a bear hug at the end of my lessons. Marty loved to give me "pet" names, the most endearing of which was "zippy". I will remember him laughing at the silly things I did during lessons, how he would tell me to do one jump and I would do something completely different without thinking. He would just look at me with a big grin and make a comment about being “blonde” or playfully hitting me on the head with his glove. He made learning to skate a fun experience.
Marty was especially fond of making me skating dresses. My favorite dress is the one he made for me as a Christmas present. Marty would never tell me what the dresses would look like or the color. He would just show up with a dress and watch with joy as I tried it on and it fit perfectly. During the last month, he was so excited to let me know that he was making me some new dresses, competition and practice. He talked about how great they would look on me and that he couldn’t wait to deliver them on Tuesday. Unfortunately, Marty left us on a Sunday and I never got to see his pride when I tried on the dresses. I am thankful to Maria for allowing us to have the dresses that Marty made for me. I will cherish them forever.
As a friend and a father figure, Marty was a man that was kind and generous. He loved me with such joy and pride that it lit up his face every time we were together. There was never a time that I could not talk to him or that he would not offer advice (asked for or not). He took an active interest in everything I did on the ice and off. He encouraged me to try new things and to excel at them all. I recently showed him my report card, which had all A+’s. He was so proud of the fact that I had achieved such good grades that he lifted me off the ground in a huge hug.
Marty also encouraged me to practice piano. He said that every little girl should know how to play a musical instrument. Practice is sometimes boring, but Marty was not fond of using “presents” as a way to get me to practice. He felt that bribery was not the best method to get me to understand the benefits of practice, practice, practice.
Marty came into my life and changed me forever. I will never have to wonder what Marty really thought of me. He showed me every day that he was proud of me and who I was growing up to be.
I am so thankful that I was at Marty’s bedside and was able to give him one last smile and a great big hug! I know that he will be watching me from heaven. Therefore, I will strive for the rest of my life to honor Marty's memory by being the best I can be at everything I try to do.
Marty will be greatly missed and always remembered by my mom and me. I want to remind Marty that God loves him and I love him!!!
Ice Capades Chalet Pros Number 1983 - Puttin on the Ritz
I finally transferred this to disk! When I taught for Ice Capades Chalets, the staff coaches got together and performed for the kids for the summer ice show. It's fun to get this online after all these years.
Friday, March 06, 2009
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Monday, March 02, 2009
Marty Martino Passed Away

Yesterday, at around 2:30 PM, I got a phone call. A friend and skating coach, Marty Martino, had a massive heart attack.
I was told he would not make it through the night.
In the late evening, my entire family went to the hospital to say our good-byes to Marty.
Two hours after we left, at around 10:30 PM, Marty did die. He was only 71 years old.
Marty will be greatly missed by figure skaters in Colorado Springs.
Marty taught skating until the day before he died.
The attached photos show Marty teaching his last "little competitor" Hannah Johnson. Marty taught Hannah's mother, Theresa Johnson, when she was a little girl at the old Broadmoor World Arena.
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Blog Archive
- Lynnellen Visit 3-29-09
- Iceland Photos 3-28-09
- Iceland Paramount Visit 3-28-09
- Our Evening in a Private Suite at the World Figure...
- Photos 3-23-09
- 3-23-09
- Skating 3-20-09
- Joel Learns a Press Lift - He's So Excited!
- The Schneider-Farris Kids Are Pairs and Ice Dance ...
- Is Facebook Stupid - Or What? Their Copyright Pol...
- Skating 3-16-09
- Facebook Says This Is an Alleged Copyright Infring...
- TryOut 3-15-09
- TryOut 3-14-09 Afternoon
- TryOut 3-14--09 Morning
- Why I Am MAD at Facebook - And...Why I'm Quitting ...
- TryOut 3-13-09
- Foxtrot Practice 3-11-09
- Purim 2009
- IceLight Rehearsal 1987
- Feature on Billy's Student 1986
- Hannah Johnson's Memories of Marty Martino
- 1985 Tests
- Ice Capades Chalet Pros Number 1983 - Puttin on th...
- Rebekah Pair Skating 3-6-09
- Foxrot - Rebekah and Joel Skating 3-4-09
- Cute Annabelle Photo
- Marty Martino Passed Away
- Rebekah Throw Double Salchow 3-2-09
About Me

- JO ANN Schneider Farris
- Jo Ann Schneider Farris has participated in skating for most of her life as a competitor, coach, and author.