Trump is that kid on the bus your parents told you to never sit by. He's the guy that pushes down the group that's walking down the sidewalk to school and takes their lunch money. He's the frat guy your friend says not to get too close to at the party that night - he gave her the creeps the week before when he bumped into her. He's the manager that can't keep any good employees and everyone knows why. He's the retired guy that has nothing better to do than try to make you miserable with his late night calls to the police every time your dog barks. He's the worst things about many different people, all wrapped up into one loser of a human being. And he's president. How disgusting and sad that the bully won and now he gets to be who he really is on the world stage. His interest is nothing more than feeling bigger than you, more important than you, more powerful than you, at any cost. This is what a bully is. Unfortunately, as president, the fallout from bully-rule is not a skinned knee or black eye; it's war, and suffering, and hatred.
This is the Schneider-Farris Family's Blog. Keep up with what we are doing by logging into this site regularly! (The reason this site is called "Tragedy and Triumph" is that when I first founded this site, my husband, Dan, had been in a horrible accident, and he recovered. His recovery was a miracle! Go back to the 2005 archives to read our story.)
Saturday, September 23, 2017
Sharing a FB friend's thoughts about Donald Trump
I have a feeling I am going to get myself in trouble with some of my friends for sharing this political post (below), but Tim Fisher's words, (who I know from when I wrote for must be shared.
Grandma - My Memories of My Grandma Fannie Schneider
This Shabbat, 9/22---9/23/2017, is my Grandma Fannie Schneider's yahrzeit. I was so, so close to her. She died in 1994.
I wrote this memory of her on an old website that was discontinued, but fortunately it was archived in the Oocities archives.
Many of my friends from Long Beach remember Grandma!
Below is what was and is archived in the Oociities archives:

Lynnellen (pregnant with Drew), Jo Ann, Grandma, and Uncle Bobby
Thanksgiving Day 1986
Grandma. That's the only name I can use as I talk about my grandmother, Fannie Schneider. Grandma liked being called by that name too, and actually asked my friends to call her Grandma too.
I feel like I had a special privilege as a grand-daughter to get to know Grandma because in 1978 when I graduated from Colorado College, I moved in with Grandma. At first I moved into one of her extra bedrooms, but soon discovered that I was more comfortable sharing a room with Grandma. She invited me to sleep in the extra twin bed that was in her bedroom. Like two young girls, we became good friends; sometimes I felt like we were college roommates, not grandmother and grand-daughter. We shared some great times together that year--we went shopping together, ate meals together, went to movies together, and took walks together. I was able to drive her to visit certain friends and relatives she couldn't see that often too. I learned a lot about not only Grandma's family, but also my grandfather's family that year.
That year was an important one in my life, since while staying at Grandma's house, I met the man I would marry, Dan Farris. Most of our courtship took place at Grandma's house, and Dan soon was calling her "Grandma" too! Dan and I became engaged while sitting in Dan's car, right in front of Grandma's house! Grandma was the first one to hear the good news and responded with, "Mazel Tov!" We celebrated by picking up Grandma's sister, Molly, and all going out to eat at the Katella Deli, Grandma's favorite restaurant. That was Dan's first time eating at a Jewish deli, and we probably took Grandma to that deli at least 50 more times in future years. She always ordered the same thing: a bowl of matzah ball soup and a corned beef sandwich. She only ate half of the sandwich and took the other half home to eat later (or to give to her son, Bobby, who visited quite often.)
Grandma really liked young people. She had many boarders through the years live in the large house on Granada Avenue. One of her favorite boarders was my best friend, Marion Ennis Curtis. Marion called her "Grandma" too. It was really great for Dan and I when we visited Belmont Shore, since we could always visit Grandma and Marion at the same time. Marion took part in some of our family celebrations too. I always thought it was so wonderful that Grandma had so many friends, both young and old.
I miss my Grandma. I miss hearing the stories of her childhood in New York. I miss hearing her sing. I miss hearing about her life with my Grandpa, Max. I miss hearing about her life as a young teacher and young mother. I miss hearing about what went on at the Jewish Community Center and what she was served at the luncheon at the temple. I miss hearing about Grandma's friends. I miss hearing about her sisters and brothers, Grandpa, Uncle Bobby, and my dad. Although I miss these things, I am left with wonderful memories of a very busy and happy lady.
I am so glad that she was able to meet her great-grandson, my son, Joel, in her last days. I hope to be able to tell Joel stories about Grandma too.
I know Grandma really loved her husband, two sons, three grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. I am so glad that her first great-grandchild, Drew was able to get to know Grandma well. The house on Granada Avenue will never be the same, but new memories have occured there: since my sister, Lynnellen, and her three children have been living there. I am so glad Grandma led such a long and wonderful life. I feel privileged to be the grand-daughter of such a unique individual.
Shabbat Evening Service - Temple Israel Long Beach 9-22-17
Again, it was and is wonderful to connect from Colorado to the Shabbat service in Long Beach, California!
It was also my Grandma Fannie Schneider's yahrzeit. I was so, so close to her. She was a very involved part of the Long Beach Jewish Community and Temple Israel and it meant a lot to me to hear her name called out in rememberance this Shabbat.
See the blog post below where I share my memories of Grandma:
It was also my Grandma Fannie Schneider's yahrzeit. I was so, so close to her. She was a very involved part of the Long Beach Jewish Community and Temple Israel and it meant a lot to me to hear her name called out in rememberance this Shabbat.
See the blog post below where I share my memories of Grandma:
- GRANDMA - My Memories of My Grandmother Fannie Schneider
Rosh Hashanah 9-21-17 With the Two Favorite Men in My Life
It was fun spending Rosh Hashanah in the mountains on 9-21-17 with the two favorite men in my life: My dad and my husband!
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
JO ANN and Joanna Scooter-Hike Up & Down Spruce Mountain 9-19-17
It was so fun, but also a lot of work compared to riding our mountain scooters down Vail Mountain...but...we had a great day of exercise and would do it again...and we saved the cost of paying for a lift ticket! Btw...we hiked-scootered the ENTIRE mountain!
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Blog Archive
- Sharing a FB friend's thoughts about Donald Trump
- Grandma - My Memories of My Grandma Fannie Schneider
- Shabbat Evening Service - Temple Israel Long Beach...
- Rosh Hashanah 9-21-17 With the Two Favorite Men in...
- JO ANN and Joanna Scooter-Hike Up & Down Spruce Mo...
- New Porch Swing! 9-16-17
- 12 Years Ago Today - There Can Be Miracles When Yo...
- Enjoying Being With Joel!
- Hiking With My Son Joel 9-14-17
- Memories from 2012 Hurricane Sandy
- Wonderful Day at Palmer Lake! 9-3-17
- Early Morning Spruce Mountain Hike - Labor Day 9-...
- Playing With Joel's Virtual Reality Thing! 9-1-17
- Drew Takes Kathie on Tahoe Amore! 9-1-17 - Totall...
- Celebrating Annabelle's Tango Romantic Test Pass a...
- Annabelle Is Working at a Cool Downtown Juice Bar!
About Me

- JO ANN Schneider Farris
- Jo Ann Schneider Farris has participated in skating for most of her life as a competitor, coach, and author.