This is the Schneider-Farris Family's Blog. Keep up with what we are doing by logging into this site regularly! (The reason this site is called "Tragedy and Triumph" is that when I first founded this site, my husband, Dan, had been in a horrible accident, and he recovered. His recovery was a miracle! Go back to the 2005 archives to read our story.)

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Pikes Peak Greenway (New Santa Fe Trail ) Ride - 3-12-16

We had a wonderful ride on the New Santa Fe Trail today, 3-12-16. We started at Criterium Bike Shop, headed north to the Woodmen Trailhead and then went to the south end of the Air Force Academy. Then, we headed south and went all the way past Fillmore close to Penrose hospital and then back to the Criterium Bike Shop! It was so much fun!

As long as I'm sharing biking photos, I may as well share my "bike success story."

When I was a child, I was in two horrible bike accidents. My parents would not let me ride a bike after that, and I truly believed I could not ride a bike.

After I married Dan, we bought me a three wheeled adult tricycle, and I rode it everywhere. We also bought a tandem bike, and I enjoyed riding that bike for two with Dan so very much, but I still believed I could not ride a regular two-wheeled bike even though I could ice skate, ski, and rollerblade, but Dan suggested if little kids could ride bikes, I could too, so shortly after Annabelle was born, I went to Walmart one day, and pulled a little pink kids' bike off the rack and discovered I could ride a bike all along!

Eventually, I bought myself a good bike and have loved bike riding ever since!

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Jo Ann Schneider Farris has participated in skating for most of her life as a competitor, coach, and author.
