Thirty years of marriage also means we've been through many different cars.
When I married Dan I had a cute bright green Gremlin. Dan had a huge Ford Falcon station wagon.
One day, Dan decided that we didn't need two cars, since his back window didn't work on the Ford Falcon, so he sold it. He rode his bike to work and we paid for insurance on only one car.
We were fine with that little Green Gremlin, but it was totalled when were were in a horrible car accident and the car was rear ended something in 1979 or 1980.
We bought a huge Ford Torino with the insurance money. We drove that until the transmission went out. I loved that Ford Torino, but was it hard to park that "thing!"

Then Dan bought a new light blue Ford Escort.
That car went to San Francisco with us.
In San Francisco we needed two cars, so we bought Susan Rothbard's Toyota Tercel when she moved to Israel.
Then I don't remember why, but my parents gave us the Chervrolet Cavalier to replace the Ford Escort.

We drove the Chevrolet Cavalier and the Toyota Tercel to Colorado.
I don't remember which car broke down first, but eventually, both were towed away.
The replacements was one black Ford Escort, which we called "The Black Car" which we bought used and a white Ford Escort that we called "The White Car." My parents gave us "The White Car." "The white car or the black car was replaced with a green Suburu that my parents gave us on January 1, 2001.
I think the black car was towed away first. We decided to get along with only one car and Dan began taking a bus to work.
After Dan's accident in 2005, my parents gave as their black VW. That car was towed away during Christmas vacation 2007 and replaced with a white VW that Dan bought from our mechanic named Donny for $500.
Recently, the green Suburu came to the end of it's life and has now been replaced with a car given to us by Dan's parents: a white Nisson.
I will try to add photos of these cars to this post later.
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