This is the Schneider-Farris Family's Blog. Keep up with what we are doing by logging into this site regularly! (The reason this site is called "Tragedy and Triumph" is that when I first founded this site, my husband, Dan, had been in a horrible accident, and he recovered. His recovery was a miracle! Go back to the 2005 archives to read our story.)

Monday, April 06, 2009

Our Wedding

I always cry when I attend big fancy weddings. The reason I do is that our wedding was nice, but it was not big and fancy. I have always wished that I had had a big fancy wedding, but that was not to be.

Our wedding took place in Dan's parents backyard.

Only our immediate families attended.

But...our families did their best to make the day wonderful for us. I think they knew we were rushing into things. We were just so young!

I wore the dress that Dan's sister Sandy had worn at her wedding. It was too long, so, underneath, I wore huge platform sandals that I bought at Goodwill! Dan just wore a casual sportscoat. My mom put a veil together for me a the last minute and I have no memory of where my flowers came from.

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Jo Ann Schneider Farris has participated in skating for most of her life as a competitor, coach, and author.
