Little did we know then that Rebekah would break her foot in Lake Placid and that Rebekah and Joel would end up in California with us since Tiffany's ice dancers left Lake Placid a week early.
- Rebekah and Joel Are Still In Lake Placid, But Rebekah Broke Her Foot
- 2 Lousy Days! 8-9-09 and 8-10-09
We are so glad though that Rebekah and Joel somehow made it to California (because my dad and mom came to the rescue and drove to Albany to get them) and that our whole family got together in Long Beach.
We are also glad Dan's father is okay and out of the hospital.
Since we didn't know Rebekah and Joel were going to drive back to Colorado with us, our little car was VERY FULL on our drive home. The trip took about 35 hours.
We had to purchase a soft rooftop luggage carrier so we could get everything in. That carrier ended up getting attached to our ski rack and miraculously stayed on top of our car for the trip!
It took awhile to get things packed, so we didn't end up pulling out of southern California until midnight Friday night 8-22. Driving at night was planned so we'd miss the desert heat and that plan was successful.
We ate breakfast in Kingman, Arizona on Saturday morning.
By lunchtime, we were in Flagstaff. We pulled into a Target parking lot there. Dan and Annabelle napped for about 2 hours in that parking lot while Joel and Rebekah and Jo Ann ate lunch in Target and bought a few things.
Around 3:15 PM, we stopped at the Meteor Crater in Winslow, Arizona and enjoyed the museum and saw a great wonder of the world. We were there a couple of hours. It was raining there.
At 8:00 PM, we stopped for dinner at Cracker Barrel in Gallup, New Mexico. Dinner ended at 9:00 PM and we wondered if we should look for a motel, but when the first one we stopped at didn't take pets, we moved on.

At around 10:00 PM, we pulled into a truck stop in Grants, New Mexico and slept for a couple of hours. Then we moved on to Albuquerque and bought gas at around 12:30 AM.
Three hours later, Jo Ann woke up and Dan informed her we'd passed Sante Fe and were almost to Las Vegas, New Mexico. We found a rest area south of Las Vegas and slept for another hour.
We then stopped in Las Vegas for gas. At 8:00 AM we stopped at a Denny's in Raton and took the dog for a walk and had breakfast.
At 9:30 AM we headed north and passed the Colorado border. The rest of the trip was easy. The kids slept for most of it!
We pulled into our Colorado Springs garage at about noon on Sunday! It didn't take long before Dan and Joel and Rebekah went to bed. Annabelle and Jo Ann unpacked a bit, showered, and also slept. Annabelle stated she never wanted to get in a car again! Chinese food was delivered in the late afternoon after a nap.
It is good to be home. We miss the beach and we miss family and friends in California, but...
There is no place like home. There is no place like home. There is no place like home!