This is the Schneider-Farris Family's Blog. Keep up with what we are doing by logging into this site regularly! (The reason this site is called "Tragedy and Triumph" is that when I first founded this site, my husband, Dan, had been in a horrible accident, and he recovered. His recovery was a miracle! Go back to the 2005 archives to read our story.)

Friday, September 16, 2005

Emergency Room

The parking lot at Memorial Hospital was really busy that night.

As the children and I got out of the car and stopped for a moment and had the children hold hands in a circle with me. For the first time ever, we prayed together outloud for Daddy. We asked God to make sure our Daddy was okay.

We carefully walked towards the hospital elevators and all three children were crying as we entered the elevator area. When she observed our distress, a woman directed us to a direct path to the emergency room, but I chose not to take it since it was getting dark outside.

If took a few minutes to find the emergency room and when we did find it, the police were waiting for us.

The children were given crayons and coloring books and I was taken into a conference room.

The police asked me if Dan had shown any signs of depression or anything unusual recently. I could not think of anything out of the ordinary.

The policeman then told me that Dan had fallen off the Bijou Street Bridge at 4:25 PM. They said that some witnesses said they were not sure if he was alone or whether he had been pushed.

In shock, I wondered why he was at that location at 4:25 PM when he didn't even get off work until 4:30 PM.

We then left the conference room and the children and I were taken up to the 4th floor of the hospital to the ICU unit's waiting room.

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Jo Ann Schneider Farris has participated in skating for most of her life as a competitor, coach, and author.
