This is the Schneider-Farris Family's Blog. Keep up with what we are doing by logging into this site regularly! (The reason this site is called "Tragedy and Triumph" is that when I first founded this site, my husband, Dan, had been in a horrible accident, and he recovered. His recovery was a miracle! Go back to the 2005 archives to read our story.)

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Remembering Garrett Swasey - Killed in Senseless Shooting in Colorado Springs

I couldn't sleep on the night of November 27, 2015 when I found out that Garrett Swasey was the police officer killed in the senseless shooting in Colorado Springs at the Planned Parenthood Clinic. I was up until 2:00 AM writing out my memories of Garrett.

Enjoy reading my memories and tribute to him at the links below:

Hugs to all of us who knew him, skated and coached with him,and laughed with him.

I remember him holding my baby Annabelle sixteen years ago while I was teaching skating lessons at the Ice Arena at Chapel Hills Mall in Colorado Springs.

Garrett is mentioned in my book, MY SKATING LIFE: 50 Plus Years of Skating, when I talk about the magical Plaza Ice Chalet that was once in downtown Colorado Springs.

 More About Garrett Swasey in the News:

Friday, November 27, 2015

The street was VERY ICY, so Ski-Journing was kind of scary, but SO FUN!

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015 Photos and Memories

The Cohen Family Surprised Us With a Special Thanksgiving 2015 Skating Cake!

Dan, Annabelle, and I, and my dad celebrated a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner today with Hellene Orenstein Anderson and her dad Leo and our friends Karen, Gary, and Sabrina Cohen.

We missed Joel and Rebekah so much.  (Joel is with Disney On Ice Frozen and the tour was in Vancouver, Canada on Thanksgiving Day 2015 and Rebekah has moved to southern California.)

The Cohens suprised us with a custom made skating Thanksgiving cake!

Our Thanksgiving 2015 menu included the following:
  • Turkey
  • Turkey-less Stuffed Loaf
  • Stuffing (vegan and traditional)
  • Cranberry Celebration
  • Mashed Potatoes
  • Gravy (vegan gravy and turkey gravy)
  • Mashed Sweet Potatoes
  • Whole Green Beans
  • Carrots (cooked and raw)
  • Green Salad topped with cherry tomatoes and carrots
  • Cut Fresh Fruit platter (watermelon, pineapple, berries, strawberries, etc!)
  • Quinoa and Kale vegetable dishes
  • Pea and Garbanzo bean veggie casserole
  • Pumpkin Pie
  • Thanksgiving Cake
  • Fruit Tarts
  • Rolls
  • Blue Corn Chips and Veggie Flaxseed Chips
  • Hummus
  • Pineapple and Mango Salsa
  • Frogs Eye Salad
  • Pistachio Salad
  • Lemonade, Cider, and Sparkling Cider

We had REAL TURKEY, but we also had Turkey-Less stuffed roast since Annabelle is a vegetarian and I try to eat vegan (in honor of Rebekah) when I can...
Doesn't My Dad Look GREAT!?
Five years ago, we spent Thanksgiving 2010 with my friend Hellene's family and today we spent Thanksgiving 2015 with Hellene and her father Leo again.

I decided to use our Chanukah napkins...why not?

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

My Thoughts and Opinion About the Colorado Springs Conservatory's Partnership With Harrison School District 2 and Mountain Vista Homeschool Academy

Colorado Springs Harrison School District 2 and The Colorado Springs Conservatory have a "partnership" which means that Colorado Springs public school kids go to the Colorado Springs Conservatory once a week during the school year and the school district pays for each student to attend the Conservatory's program.

My daughter, Rebekah, and my two other children, Joel and Annabelle, and some of their other friends from Mountain Vista Homeschool Academy were introduced to the Colorado Springs Conservatory and Linda Weise because of that partnership.  

After my family's recent unpleasant experience with the Colorado Springs Conservatory and Linda Weise, I'm concerned that former Colorado Springs Harrison School District 2 students and future and current ones, have been or will be subject to unfair or traumatic circumstances due to interaction with the Colorado Springs Conservatory and Linda Weise.

My daughter, Rebekah, and our family have certainly been devasted and our experience with the Colorado Springs Conservatory is causing us to consider moving away from Colorado Springs altogther since we no longer feel welcome in the city we've called "home" for almost 25 years.

When my kids were in the school Colorado Springs Conservatory Mountain Vista Homeschool Academy partnership day program, all three of them told me about one of the teachers "not understanding" one of the home school academy student's learning disabilities.

In 2011, all three of my chldren told me that they observed a child being belittled several times in front of other students and teachers when they attended the Colorado Springs Conservatory's Harrision School District 2 partnership program. 

That kind of treatment cannot be part of public education in my opinion.

During the home school academy's Colorado Springs Conservatory Parent Observation Day and Open House, I myself observed one of the music teachers being very strict with the Mountain Vista Homeschool Academy students, but I thought it was because that music teacher just didn't understand homeschool kids. 

Afterwards, I told my children in response, when I observed that teacher's behavior, that the Conservatory program was "so good" and such high quality to try to just "deal" with that strict teacher.

I do know that in the past that some of the Mountain Vista Homeschool Academy parents removed their children from the Colorado Springs Conservatory partnership program after their children told them they were scared or traumatized or made to feel bad. I know some of these families well.

In addition, my children told me that they felt that the Colorado Springs Conservatory's "school program" was no where as high quality as the "real" Colorado Springs Cconservatory program. 

After they were in the Conservatory's Fiddler on the Roof ensemble during the summer of 2012, they decided not to attend the Colorado Springs Conservatory's school program partnership for that reason.  They felt they'd learned all they could from the school partnership and saw no reason to continue.

I had hoped Mountain Vista Homeschool Academy would perhaps pay for my children to instead be part of the "real" Colorado Springs Conservatory afterschool weekly program since after experiencing Fiddler on the Roof, they felt they had reached a new "level," but the director of Mountain Vista Homeschool Academy told me that she didn't think Linda Weise and the Colorado Springs Conservatory's board would agree to that option.

After the Mountain Vista Homeschool Academy director asked Linda Weise the above question at my request, we were told that was NOT an option that Linda Weise would even discuss due to the fact that the money paid to the Colorado Springs Conservatory by the school district was less than what the regular Conservatory students paid.

What bothers me is that the homeschool and other Colorado Springs Harrison School District 2 families were told by Linda Weise and the Colorado Springs Conservatory that the programs were identical, so I was disappointed when we found out that we were getting something that was "not as good," but accepted that a public school program may include "cutbacks."

In addition, I learned early that the school district Conservatory students were also not treated as "real" Colorado Springs Conservatory students.

We were told that we were not eligible to audition for the Colorado Springs Conservatory musicals or plays or programs. That was disappointing, but we accepted it and that is the reason we asked my father to help pay for Rebekah to be in the Colorado Springs Conservatory's Senior Company during the 2014-15 school year. We wanted Rebekah to have an opportunity that was closed to us because Rebekah was "just a Colorado Springs Harrison District 2 public school student."

I am now wondering if the partnership the Colorado Springs Conservatory and Linda Weise has with Colorado Springs Harrison School District 2 should perhaps come to an end?  That partnership certainly desvastated my family and my daughter and I've heard that other children and families who have been part of this school district partnership have also been affected.

Further Reading:

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Remembering About Fifty Years of Thanksgivings

I was born in May of 1956, so in my lifetime, I've celebrated many, many Thanksgivings. I have decided to look back at some of the most memorable ones!  Enjoy this chronological journey through "Past Thanksgivings: with me!


1960s and 1970s  - When I was a child, most of my Thanksgivings were spent at my mom's brother's house; Thanksgiving and Aunt Miriam, Uncle Norman, and cousins Loren and Cheri, went hand in hand. Aunt Miriam's favorite holiday was Thanksgiving. They invited so many people every year, including my dad's parents and my Uncle Bobby.  Many of Miriam's cousins came to those gatherings too.

This was a combined Kadison-Schneider Thanksgiving in the 1960s
Cousing Cheri, Uncle Bobby, Cousin Loren, Grandma Fannie, Grandpa Max, Aunt Miriam, my brother Billy, my sister Lynnellen, my mom, my dad, me, and Grandma Esther

Anyway, when I was about 14 years old, Aunt Miriam heard about a new way of cooking the turkey. Everyone who attended suffered from food poisoning a day or so later!

1974 - My parents came from California to Colorado to spend Thanksgiving with me during my first year of training and skating at The Broadmoor.  A huge blizzard hit the state on Thanksgiving Day.  My brother Billy, who was training at CIA, a figure skating training center in Denver under Olympic figure skating coach Carlo Fassi, was supposed to come from Denver with Ron Shaver to celebrate dinner with us, but had to cancel due to weather. My parents and I decided we would still celebrate. We opened the oven to remove the turkey, and realized my mom had not turned on the oven. My dad started looking at Thanksgiving restaurant ads. We ended finally cooking that turkey, but eating very late.

1977 - I was a senior at Colorado College then. I remember eating at the Bemis dining hall with my friends Frank Langben and Elaine Emmer. Later, Elaine and I were invited to someone's house for dinner, but we didn't want to pass up the complimentary dining hall afternoon meal!

(In 2009, I  reconnected with Elaine, but I have lost touch with her again.  I am also overjoyed to be in touch with my friend Frank!  In 2012, after not seeing Frank since his wedding day in 1986, I finally saw Frank again face to face when I went to San Jose to the US National Figure Skating Championships!  In the summer of 2015, Frank was able to also reunite with my husband, Dan.)

1980 or 1981 - I won a grocery store certificate for $25 from Albertsons in Long Beach. Dan and I decided to use that money to make Thanksgiving in our "commune like home" and to invite people to spend the day with us who did not have a place to go or families. I will never forget how great an experience that was.

 - We spent many wonderful Thanksgivings with my Grandma Fannie and my sister Lynnellen and my Uncle Bobby when we lived in Long Beach. My dad had a heart attack and recovered in 1984, so our entire family was on a health kick. I cooked everything from scratch, used no fat, took out the eggs yolks from the pies, and made health food stuffing. It was a delicious meal.

Thanksgiving Day 1986 (Lynnellen pregant with Drew, me, Grandma Fannie, and my Uncle Bobby)

1986 - My sister Lynnellen was pregnant with her first child, Drew. We invited one of my dad's favorite medical students to spend Thanksgiving with us at my Grandma Fannie's house.

1989 - We lived in San Francisco then. I think the fun Thanksgiving at Lori Baron's flat in San Francisco took place that year. I took an amusing video from that Thanksgiving. Someday, I'll get that video up on YouTube. I especially remember when David Mishkin interviewed Terry Korotkin with a banana!

1991 - Dan and I had just arrived in Colorado. Billy's inlaws, the Sutherlands, invited us to their house in Denver. We spent several holidays at the Sutherlands during Billy's early days of marriage.

 - We went to Breckenridge, Colorado with my friend Larisa Gendernalik and her son, Alex. We rented a condo together. We ate dinner at a fancy buffet in Breckenridge. I wondered why I didn't feel like eating. The next morning, I took a pregnancy test and found out I was pregnant. Dan and I went cross country skiing and ice skating that day. Annabelle was born 8 months or so later! Joel and Rebekah's first skiing took place at Kinderhut in Breckenridge.

2005 - Dan had just come home from the hospital after being in a horrible accident that almost took him away from us. Just before Thanksgiving Day, he had been rushed back to the hospital. We thought he'd have to spend it there, but he got to come home. My parents came and we had a wonderful time together as a family. Dan's brother Mike was also there.

The next day, we took Dan to the YMCA so he could take a shower since his wheelchair wouldn't fit in our bathroom. Afterwards, we went to my friend Larisa Gendernalik's house for another Thanksgiving dinner since her family decided to celebrate together on Friday instead of Thursday. That was one of the last times we saw Larisa's daughter, Valerie. (Valerie was murdered during Memorial Day Weekend 2008.)

2007 - Since we had to leave for Junior Nationals only two days after Thanksgiving, we spent a quiet Thanksgiving together as a family. The kids even skated at Colorado College on Thanksgiving morning. The kids really enjoyed that Thanksgiving since they could be themselves. Each kid especially enjoyed the whipped cream!

2008 - My brother and his wife Amy invited us to our family's vacation home in Larkspur for a huge family Thanksgiving celebration. It was so very special. Everything was beautiful!

2009 - Before Thanksgiving 2009, Haley Rose Gans, on November 20, 2015, a 14 year old figure skater was tragically killed in a skiing accident in Breckenridge, Colorado.  My children skated with Haley every day at the Ice Hall at The Broadmoor World Arena, so Haley's death affected us so, so much.  Figure skaters and coaches and skating families and others that loved Haley came together for Haley's funeral on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving Day.  On Thanksgiving Day, I remember crying as we ate, but also giving my children and husband extra hugs.

Haley Rose Gans Was Killed in a Skiing Accident Just Before Thanksgiving 2009

2010 - We spent our Thanksgiving at the Schneider family vacation home in Colorado. We invited Hellene, Jeff, Sam, and Leo Orenstein-Anderson. They joined us for a wonderful overnight and "Rugrats type Thankgiving" experience.

I was thankful that my family had such a wonderful Thanksgiving Day. I was thankful that we had one another and that we had so many family and friends that have been there for us through thick and thin. I remember Sam's grandpa, Leo, said how thankful he was to have Sam in his life!

2011 - Thanksgiving 2011 was especially fun since we were invited to my friend Bernice's house in eastern Colorado.  The Davis family lived out in the country and before dinner, I was able to go outside to see the chickens Bernice raised.  Bernice said she never has been able to cook turkey, so she made ravioli instead!  Annabelle especially enjoyed eating Bernice's homemade sopapillas!  After dinner, my three kids played Kinect games with Bernice's six kids!

My Friend Bernice's Daughter Chava Made Pear Turkeys for Thanksgiving 2011

(On our drive home, my friend Lynn Wein McCoy, texted me and told me that Holly Meyer died of ALS /Lou Gehrig's disease on Thanksgiving eve.  As we drove home, I remembered Holly.)

2013 - After the 2013 Pacific Coast Figure Skating Championships which took place in Oakland, California, Annabelle, Joel, my dad, and I, flew to southern California and Dan and Rebekah connected with us there in Long Beach.  (They flew in from Denver the Sunday before).  Dan had to fly back to Colorado on Thanksgiving Day since he did not have the Friday after Thanksgiving off from work, so on the Wednesday night before Thanksgiving I made a dinner for Dan's mom, sister Sandy, brother Mike, my dad, Dan, Rebekah, Joel, and Annabelle at our family's Long Beach Naples condo.  It also was a special Thanksgiving since that Wednesday night was the first night of Hannukah.  We lit the menorah that night too.

My husband, Dan, With His Sister Sandy and Mom - Thanksgivikuh Eve 2013

The next day, we celebrated Thanksgiving again at my sister, Lynnellen's house.  All three of Lynnellen's children were there and also her four grandchildren!  It was a "wild house" with a long table set up in the living room of what once was my Grandma Fannie's house.

2014 - On Thanksgiving eve, my distant cousin, Josh Willow, and his wife and daughter came to the Schneider family vacation home in Colorado.  I remember making spaghetti and trying to not let Josh know that I was coming down with a cold.  Josh brought many photos of our extended family and we especially enjoyed seeing photos of his grandfather Max and father Jack.

My Cousin Josh Willow and His Family Visited Us on Thanksgiving Eve 2014

On Thanksgiving Day 2014, my friend Bernice and the six Davis kids came to enjoy Thanksgiving Day with us.  I wasn't feeling well, and didn't notice until it was too late, that my husband only cooked the turkey for 30 minutes!  Anyway...after waiting about another hour and half for the turkey to cook, we sat down in the Schneider family vacation home's dining room and ate a lot of side dishes and dessert and had a wonderful time without any turkey...

Dan talked to Joel (who was away on the Disney On Ice Frozen Tour) While We Were Eating Our Thanksgiving 2014 Meal!

2015 - Thanksgiving 2015 hasn't happened yet, but from November 8 to November 14, 2015, my dad and I went to Seattle to see my son Joel when the Disney On Ice Frozen tour was there, and we coordinated it with seeing my cousin Cheri and her family.  Cheri decided, in honor of our visit to make a Thanksgiving dinner!  It was so fun to Joel to be inside a home and for all of us to be together as a family and remember the past Thanksgivings my dad and I had spent with Cheri and her brother and my mom and my mom's brother Norman with my Aunt Miriam.  It was especially nice for Joel to get to know his little cousin Lexi!

Joel and Cousin Lexi - November 10, 2015 - Early Thanksgiving Dinner at My Cousin Cheri's House in Seattle!

As I write this, I'm excited with my family's plans to spend Thanksgiving Day 2015 with my dear friend Hellene Anderson and her father Leo, and with Gary, Karen, and Sabrina Cohen, and my husband, my dad, and my sweet daughter Annabelle.  We will miss my two other children.  Joel won't be celebrating Thanksgiving I think since the Disney On Ice Frozen show is in Vancouver, Canada on Thanksgiving Day 2015 and Rebekah has moved to southern California, but I know she'll have a nice Thanksgiving Day with my husband, Dan's family.

Happy Thanksgiving 2015 Everyone!  Happy Thanksgiving Hurray, Hurray, Hurray!

Monday, November 23, 2015

My Comments on Linda Weise Receiving an Award for Compassion and Kindness

Below is a link to an announcement that Linda Weise was awarded a Community Recognition Award. It was announced that she was especially recognized for acts of compassion and kindness.
Since I published the blog posts above, I've heard from former students, faculty, families, staff, and performers who have been involved in Linda Weise's programs at both the Colorado Springs Conservatory and The Mezzanine.

They've shared their stories with me (and others) that are very personal and very painful.  How these individuals and families have been treated definitely does not represent compassion or kindness.  

Further Reading:

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Remembering Born Blue's Preview at The Mezzanine - Wednesday, October 28, 2015

On Wednesday evening, October 28, 2015, my husband, Dan, and I, and my daughter, Annabelle, went to the invited preview and dress rehearsal for Born Blue, the musical my daughter Rebekah had been working so hard on.

The Schneider-Farris Family was so excited to see Rebekah in a lead role in Born Blue!  - Wednesday, October 28, 2015
A week later, on Wednesday, November 4, 2015, our family received a letter from Linda Weise and The Colorado Springs Conservatory that stated we were no longer welcome at anything related to the organization which included The Colorado Springs Conservatory and Mezzanine events and programs.
Rebekah's heart was broken, and left Colorado Springs the next day to begin a new life in southern California.

The show did go on as planned the following day, 11-6-15, (and continued through most of November, 2015),  but three other members of the cast were also removed from the cast a day later. I've heard they were so very disappointed since they all had worked so very hard and also expected to be paid.

The photos in this blog post will help my family remember the happiness and excitement and anticipation we (and the cast members who were removed) felt the night of that Born Blue Musical preview performance.
Four out of six people in this Born Blue group cast photo were removed from the cast before the 11-6-15 weekend performances.  I've heard they were so, so sad and disappointed since they'd put their "hearts and souls" into Born Blue. (Rumors have circulated that it has something to do with The Mezzanine not wanting to pay them after they were promsed to be paid?)

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

My Thoughts and Wishes for Colorado Springs

I lived in Colorado Springs in the 1970s and then I returned in 1991 and never left.

I've made an observation that our city is run like a small town (but we are a fairly large city now) and there are very powerful people here that run the city and it is hard to make changes when something is wrong or needs to be changed.

About 20 years ago, I went before the Colorado Springs City Council and asked that a beautiful chalet type ice rink stay open in the downtown area. I was on the news and wrote articles.

There were other skating related things that happened after that in Colorado Springs.  I went on to "fight city hall" and fought for the rights of skaters and skating coaches in my city. I was on the TV news and a group of us were on a 3 hour radio talk show.

Nothing changed at the time, but I think about 10 years later, my efforts paid off. We have a wonderful skating community in Colorado Springs now that is open to everyone.

It is now my hope that something eventually will change in the performing arts community in our beautiful city too.

My Thoughts on 11-17-15 Gazette Article Regarding the Colorado Springs Conservatory

Two weeks ago I would have shared this article of praise (link below) about the Coloraodo Springs Conservatory and Linda Weise with all my friends and family, but then, just two weeks ago today, on  Wednesday 11-4-15, our family received a letter from The Conservatory and Linda Weise that stated we were banned from all Conservatory and Mezzanine events and programs.

We can't even go to a show, and we were given no explanation.

Since then, I've heard from other former Conservatory parents and students, and their children were hurt in the same way.  Teachers and employees have shared  stories too.
I am so, so sad, since The Colorado Springs Conservatory was my daughter's entire world.  The next day she left Colorado Springs for good and her heart was breaking.  I worry she will never sing, dance, act, or play music again.

Read this Colorado Spring Gazette Article Published Tuesday, 11-17-15:
 Read about my family's experience:

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Blog Archive

About Me

My photo
Jo Ann Schneider Farris has participated in skating for most of her life as a competitor, coach, and author.
